Vem är Yvonne?


Ongoing / Practice-based Research / Fiction / Public Housing / Right to housing / Shared memories
Case Study:
Valla Torg, Årsta, Stockholm

There was something meditative about how the gray-green tone of the paint slowly covered the chalk-white wall. Its white, hard, staring gaze suddenly became softer, calmer with the green. Gray green.

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Det fanns något meditativt över hur målarfärgens grågröna ton sakta täckte den kritvita väggen. Dess vita, hårda, stirrande blick blev på en gång mjukare, lugnare med det gröna. Grågröna.

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A study of sharing the most private space with strangers - over time.

Our most private space can probably, maybe obviously, be said to be our home. Where we sleep, eat, love, cry, dream, work, take our first wobbly steps, argue, and laugh – live.

The meetings with Yvonne, through her supposed acquaintances, gave rise to thoughts about how we also share these most private rooms with complete strangers.

We do this, sharing over time, regardless of the form of tenure. But the very foundation of renting, that we have it on loan, adds another dimension to the thought. Whether units in urban settings from the early 1960’s or the miljonprogram (Million Programme) have a higher rotation of tenants may be left unsaid, but it is clear that we have shared our most private space with several people. Over time, that is.

Who were these people?

What were their lives like?

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