PUBLIC RETREAT - The Graveyard Digression + Begravningsplatsavvikelsen
Group exhibition / Galleri SPARK, Malmö / October 2023 / Practice-based Research / Installation / Manuscript + performance / Site specifik Sound walk
Collaboration between Nicole Cecilie Bitsch Pedersen / Jo Mikkel Sjaastad Huse / Johanna Fager
Collaboration between Nicole Cecilie Bitsch Pedersen / Jo Mikkel Sjaastad Huse / Johanna Fager
Read Begravningsplatsavvikelsen på issuu ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎
Listen to The Graveyard Digression as a single audio file ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎
The Graveyard Digression as sound walk in Malmö (start at the Gallery SPARK, Båstadsgatan 4, Östra Sorgenfri, Malmö (SE) ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎
Read Begravningsplatsavvikelsen på issuu ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎
Listen to The Graveyard Digression as a single audio file ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎
The Graveyard Digression as sound walk in Malmö (start at the Gallery SPARK, Båstadsgatan 4, Östra Sorgenfri, Malmö (SE) ︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎︎
What can a cemetery teach us?
PUBLIC RETREAT (Johanna Fager, Jo Mikkel Sjaastad Huse and Nicole Cecilie Bitsch Pedersen) is taking part in Of Public Interest (OPI) Lab’s exhibition “Scores from Gröndal / Scores for Malmö” at Galleri Spark, Malmö, with “Begravningsplatsavvikelsen - ett manus för kontextuell och platsspecifik analys” and “The Graveyard Digression”. An installation, manuscript + performance and a 30 minutes long sound piece guiding the listener through different public space(s) in and around St Pauli Southern Cemetery, Östra Sorgenfri, Malmö.
The exhibition is curated by Jonas Dahlberg and Jasmine Hinks.
PUBLIC RETREAT (Johanna Fager, Jo Mikkel Sjaastad Huse and Nicole Cecilie Bitsch Pedersen) is taking part in Of Public Interest (OPI) Lab’s exhibition “Scores from Gröndal / Scores for Malmö” at Galleri Spark, Malmö, with “Begravningsplatsavvikelsen - ett manus för kontextuell och platsspecifik analys” and “The Graveyard Digression”. An installation, manuscript + performance and a 30 minutes long sound piece guiding the listener through different public space(s) in and around St Pauli Southern Cemetery, Östra Sorgenfri, Malmö.
The exhibition is curated by Jonas Dahlberg and Jasmine Hinks.
“The Graveyard Digression” and “Begravningsplatsavvikelsen - ett manus för kontextuell och platsspecifik analys” are part of the larger art and architecture project - PUBLIC RETREAT - researching sound, art and architecture within our cities. PUBLIC RETREAT is supported by OCA (Office for contemporary Art Norway), Nordic Culture Fund, Nordic Culturepoint, Danish Composers’ Society, Danish Arts Foundation, Of Public Interest (OPI) and Sound Art Lab.
All images and drawings ©Nicole Cecilie Bitsch Pedersen, Jo Mikkel Sjaastad Huse, Johanna Fager when not stated otherwise.
All images and drawings ©Nicole Cecilie Bitsch Pedersen, Jo Mikkel Sjaastad Huse, Johanna Fager when not stated otherwise.