Årsta Scoutkår


Ongoing / Reprogramming / Remodeling  
Participatory Processes / In collaboration with Magiska Barnarkitekter
and Transfer Studio

Built: 1967-1975,
Rasmussen Arkitekter

Remodeling and reprogramming of approximately 500 sqm main building for the Årsta Scoutkår / Scout Group. The building is beautifully situated in the Årsta Nature Reserve, just south of inner city Stockholm.


Participatory processes and concept work for reprogramming in collaboration with Amanda Larsson, Magiska Barnarkitekter and Valeria Hedman, Transfer Studio.


The process entails reorganization of the overall room sequence and adapting the building to better fit a contemporary scout group, aswell as planning and imagining future usage.

©Johanna Fager 2025. All rights reserved
e-mail: johanna@johannafager.se, instagram: @johanna_fager