

Johanna Fager is an architect and artist working with architecture, art, public space, text and design in different scales and formats within both theoretical and practical frameworks. She has extensive experience, and interest in, interdisciplinary collaborations.

She engages in practice-based artistic research as well as self-initiated works and projects. Often with a focus on creating architectural and artistic tactics through the human experience and sequences of space and place, sounds, knowledge production and language. Using different tools and starting points depending on context and work, for example participatory processes, fictional temporalities, writing, sketching, performative tests, model making, illustrations and visualizations.

In her own practice, in collaboration with others and as sub-consultant architect she has been part of works and projects from smaller residential projects for private clients to large scale complex public artworks, architecture, infrastructural and urban planning projects. 

Johanna Fager is Arkitekt SAR/MSA and holds a Master's Degree in Architecture (M.Arch), from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. She has studied architecture and art in Prag at the Academy of Art, Architecture and Design (UMPRUM/AAAD) and was a participant in the research hub and postmaster course Of Public Interest (OPI) Lab 2022/2023, researching art and architecture in public space at the Institution for Fine Art and Architecture, Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm.

In collaboration with composer and sound artist Nicole Cecilie Bitsch Pedersen (DK) and visual artist and writer Jo Mikkel Sjaastad Huse (NO) she is part of PUBLIC RETREAT.

She is also a part of the collaborative artist and architect platform Of Public Interest (OPI) founded and run by professor and artist Jonas Dahlberg.

The Studio is based in Stockholm, Sweden.


Electroacoustic music and sound art, Elektronmusikstudion EMS
Course during the fall of 2024 in electroacoustic music and sound art, Elektronmusikstudion EMS, Stockholm (SE)
Royal Institute of Art, Of Public Interest (OPI) Lab
Advanced Studies, Postmaster course and research hub in Art and Architecture, Institution for Fine Art and Architecture, Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm (SE)
KTH School of Architecture, Master’s Degree in Architecture (Msc)
KTH School of Architecture and Built Environment, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (SE)
Academy of Art, Architecture and Design, AAAD / UMPRUM
Studies within the Master's degree, at AAAD, Academy of Art, Architecture and Design (UMPRUM), Prague (CZ)
Linnaeus University, Webbdesign and Visual Learning, graphic design
The Department of Pedagogy and Learning, Växjö (SE)
Linnaeus University, Digital illustration, image knowledge, graphic design
The Department of Pedagogy and Learning, Växjö (SE)
Preparatory Art training, Folkuniversitetet Art-TexPreparatory Art training, Folkuniversitetet Art-Tex
Växjö (SE)
Uppsala University, Media and Communication Studies, Journalism
The Department for Informatics and Media, Uppsala University, Uppsala (SE)

Selected Exhibitions / Broadcastings / Publications / Events / Performances


Färgfabriken, Stockholm (SE). PUBLIC RETREAT - on fire. Solo exhibition within the new Architecture Triennial
PUBLIC RETREAT. A sonic investigation of burning questions about the future of our city. Färgfabriken Stockholm

Platform Deep Dive, Collaboration with Platform Stockholm, Lövholmen (SE)
PUBLIC RETREAT. Artistic research and collaboration on city, art, and space. Public events, workshops and showings.
Platform Stockholm
12 soundworks for radio, radiOrakel, Oslo (NO)
PUBLIC RETREAT Rat Radio, Soundwork for radio, Lähiradio Helsinki (FI)
PUBLIC RETREAT Radio, Soundwork for radio, IDA Radio Helsinki (FI)
PUBLIC RETREAT ...the eye of the ear. Click, stop. ) ) ) ) !?  Solo exhibition, Gallery Oksasenkatu 11, Helsinki (FI)
PUBLIC RETREAT. Galleria Oksasenkatu11. Listening and not listening lets us meander between different forms of presence. An immersive sound experience about how we sense the world with our ears.
The Graveyard Digression - radio edit. Soundwork for radioOrakel, Oslo (NO), aired February 5th and 8th.
PUBLIC RETREAT. radiOrakel. Sound piece for radio, public space and what to learn from a cemetery. 
PUBLIC RETREAT.  SPARK. Installation, manuscript and performative reading and sound piece - a walk through different public space(s) in and around St Pauli Southern Cemetery, Östra Sorgenfri, Malmö (SE). 
NYA LÖVHOLMEN. A citizen proposal for a dynamic new district with an emphasis on culture, local production and diverse public spaces. NYA LÖVHOLMEN radio - a program about politics, city, power and the public. Collectice, public, listening session.
A sound piece and installation reporting from Lövholmen's many fictive futures and temporalities.
A fictive magazine reporting from Lövholmen's many fictive futures and temporalities.
Workshops on spatial awareness, visions and dreams in relation to a re-programming process with Scout group members as well as the wider public. 
Artsemestr leto
Contemporary urban station in KARLÍN, exhibition at AAAD, Prag (CZ).
Artsemestr zima
KAPLE – A hospital chaple, exhibition at AAAD, Prag (CZ).

Selected Public Installations and Work

Of Others’ Uses
Public artwork for Svenska Margaretakyrkan in Oslo (NO). Of Public Interest (OPI).
Jonas Dahlberg Studio
Sub-consultant. Large scale complex public art and architecture, exhibitions, scenography as part of Jonas Dahlberg Studio. 
Selected works:
22 juli minnesmärke, Utøya and in Oslo. 3 memorials commemorating the victims of the terror attack in Utøya and Government quarters in Oslo (NO) 22 July 2011.
Public Luxury, ArkDes, Group exhibition. Installation design for Jonas Dahlberg’s work and participation. (SE).The Mirror, public artwork, Stockholm (SE).

Selected Architecture

Addition to a 1880’s wooden house
Private client. Filipstad (SE).
Remodelling, and re-programming of approximately 500 sqm (LOA) main building for the Årsta Scout Group.
Sub-consultant project managing architect and collaborator.SFA - Stockholm Future Wastewater Management / SVOA. Redevelopment and reconstruction of Henriksdals Reningsverk in Stockholm and Nacka (SE). Large scale, complex, technical, industrial architecture. Ongoing design, construction and follow up of buildings, tunnels, facilities and shafts in different stages from initial idea and concept to permit drawings and construction drawings.
Renovation and re-programming of schools as well as re-modelling of former commercial spaces into housing, Mächs Hultén Arkitekter AB.
Extension to a terraced house
Private client. Stockholm (SE).
Folkbostaden Stockholm AB
Sub-consultant project managing architect. Folkbostaden Stockholm is an architect studio and construction company, founded and run by architects. Private residences.
Hultén Arkitekter AB
Sub-consultant project managing architect and collaborator. SVOA - New reception and entrance building at Henriksdals Reningsverk, Stockholm (SE).
Mächs Hultén Arkitekter AB
Sub-consultant project managing architect. Herrängen School - renovation and extension. Stockholm (SE).
AIX Arkitekter AB
Sub-consultant architect. Mälardalens Högskola - Interior architecture and design, furniture design.
Mächs Hultén Arkitekter AB
Sub-consultant project managing architect. Ringen - Remodeling commercial spaces into housing. Stockholm (SE).
Villa in Älvsjö
Proposal for an extension of a private residence. Private client, Stockholm (SE). 
Attic conversion
Remodeling of attic into apartment. Private client. Stockholm (SE).
In Praise of Shadows
Sub-consultant. Graphic design and visualizations.
Villa K
150 sqm proposal for a private residence. Private client.
Master Diploma Work, and continued commission. Urban planning and development. Curated art and architecture program with works in wait of redevelopment to begin. Analysis, strategy, concept,illustrations and ideas for the development and rebuild of the district Hovsjö in Södertälje. Client: Municipality of Södertälje.
2008-2011, 2013-2015
Employed as architect. Urban planning projects, office and workplace, hotel complexes, competitions, public equestrian estate, art gallery, and more. Graphic design, website development and visualizations.
2010, 2016
YAJ Arkitekter AB
Sub-consultant architect and employee. Residential project and attic conversion, design concept for touriste route and destination. Graphic design and visualizations.

Selected Practice-based architecture and art

Platform Deep Dive, Collaboration with Platform Stockholm, Lövholmen (SE)
PUBLIC RETREAT. Artistic research and collaboration on city, art, and space. Public events and showings.
Platform Stockholm
Legacy / Collective memory / Traces / Fiction / Text
Practice-based research, a study of sharing our most private space(s) with strangers - over time.
PUBLIC RETREAT. An interdisciplinary, practice-based art project centered around the exploration of our common auditory urban environment and the human and non-human experiences of and relations to it
Shared (fictive) memories, twisted narrative, ink drawing, light, materialities, sound essay.
Multi-faceted artistic research in collaboration with Nicole Cecilie Bitsch Pedersen (DK) and Jo Mikkel Sjaastad Huse (NO). A counter proposal, Nya Lövholmen radio and collective listening session, Nya Lövholmen Magazine #1-3, Nya Lövholmen Magazine #4 – a sound magazine and more.

Grants & Awards

Shortlisted to the SWS24 - Sound Walk September Awards 2024
PUBLIC RETREAT’s sound journey The Graveyard Digression is shortlisted to  Walk Listen Create’s SWS24 awards!

Project, research and exhibition support
Helgo Zettervall’s Fund

International exchange
Swedish Arts Grants Committee

International exchange and travel grant
Swedish Arts Grants Committee
Nomination to Kritikerpriset for 2023 / Critic Prize for 2023
NYA LÖVHOLMEN nominated to Architect Sweden / Sveriges Arkitekters Critic Prize / Kritikerpriset 2023!
Culture and Art Programme Grant
Nordic Culture Point
Project Support
Nordic Culture Fund
Architectural Research Grant
Royal Institute of Art (SE)
co-applicant / JDS
Anders Mortners Scholarship 
Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts (SE), for the project Coastline Conditions in California, USA. 

Residencies and symposiums

2025 Upcoming
Villa Emera (IT)
PUBLIC RETREAT. Invitation from art-, and culture organization and residency in Rome (IT).
2025 Upcoming
Sound Art Lab, Struer (DK)
PUBLIC RETREAT, on sound and listening, upcoming symposium.
Sound Art Lab, Struer (DK)
PUBLIC RETREAT, on sound and listening, residency.

Selected competitions

New Watertower in Hemmesta
Competition proposal for a new water tower in Hemmesta, Värmdö (SE) in collaboration with Hultén Olsson Arkitekter.
Competition proposal. A wine tasting facitlity at a vineyard in Portugal, Bee Breeders Architecture Competitions.
Tekniska Nämndhuset
As employee at Urban Design AB. Stockholm Municipal Planning Office, Stockholm, 2014 1st Prize in invited competition in collaboration with the Spanish Architect Office SelgasCano. Continued concept development 2015. Client: Municipality of Stockholm. 
As employee at Urban Design AB. New City Center Development of Mörby Centrum for Danderyd Kommun. 3rd prize.


Space Sharing Strategies + Public Office + the Y
Lövholmen, Stockholm. Performative space sharing strategies and test of public space, illustration and test of dystopia / utopia. In collaboration with Nicole Cecilie Bitsch Pedersen and Jo Mikkel Sjaastad Huse. 
Stoft I-IV
Charchoal / Tinted charcoal on recycled boards 70 x 100 cm.
Charchoal / Tinted charcoal on MDF 100 x 50 cm.
Johanna Fager
Founding of architecture and artistic practice.
B+H Architect
Architect intern at Canadian architect firm in Shanghai, China. Department for Urban Planning and Landscape. Participating in several large-scale urban development projects.



©Johanna Fager 2023. All rights reserved
